Hard Lesson – One

Truth About Happiness

Many people – especially addicts and alcoholics – have somehow come to the misguided conclusion that we’re supposed to always be happy.

We always want to feel good. No matter what the circumstances. We’re always craving that next hit, that next drink, and next slice of chocolate cake.

The trump card about happiness - what really makes you happy? What can you do to be happy when things are so hard?

For many it’s a constant struggle to perpetually feel good. We’re always on the lookout for the next new way to get high and feel good. As if feeling good were the end-all be-all of existence. We search in vain, high and low, for the secret to happiness.

But the secret to happiness begins with the knowledge that we weren’t put here just to be happy. We were not put on this earth merely to feel good. We were put here to learn, to grow, and to evolve.

And the funny thing – the miraculous thing – is that the more we learn, the more we grow and evolve, the more we find ourselves wanting to help others.

And the more we begin to help others, the more we find that, lo and behold, we ourselves are made happy in the process.

By putting others before self, through the path of service to others, we then find the true secret to happiness.